Alex Puig Ros

For more than 20 years, Django has been selling donuts on La Barceloneta beach, becoming one of the most key figures in reaffirming the identity of a neighborhood plagued by mass tourism and gentrification.Despite being constantly persecuted by the authorities, his philosophy of life and good humor popularized his staging to end up being one of the most remembered street vendors in the city. Currently more than half of the world’s people live from street vending. And it is that in a world of unequal opportunities, looking for life should not be a crime.

Producción: Alex Puig Ros
Dirección: Alex Puig Ros
Guión: Alex Puig Ros
Dirección artística: c/ sant elm 71
Interpretación : Django
Sonido: Alex Puig Ros
Director/a de Fotografía: Alex Puig Ros
Localización: Barcelona
Montaje: Alex Puig Ros
Género: Documental